All about me

Well my name is Charday Laverty. I was born October 25, 1988. So I am a scorpio. (yes do it baby) But anyway about me. I am a youth in substitute care, that means that I am in foster care. I know who my mother is but I dont know who my father is. That is ok. That is life so like th only thing that i do now is live life. I use to have problems with moving houses all the time. It had gotten to the point to know I don't know how many houses I have been in. I basically lost count. I have been in homes, shelters, groups homes, you name it I have been there. But now I am in a good house with a loving family. Like Ijk am not going to go into my whole life story because like I am not the person to dwell. It helped form me into the woman that I am now.
I am currently am in high school living the life of grown woman. I have two jobs and I am taking a class at school. That is basically what my everyday life consist of. Ummmm.... I go to Frankford high school taking either AP classes or honors classes. I am about my business when it comes to work. I do a lot of public speaking all the time. I speak about foster care and I also speak about safe sex. That is so important to me. Those to things, making foster care better and making sure I talk to people about having safe sex. Umm... well that is where I am at now. I am a very friendly person. I speak to everyone regardless if i know them or not. I like to make sure that everyone around me is comfortable. The biggest thing about me that I think that everyone should know is that i love to talk and work on a computers.
Lastly, the I want to further my education at a four-year college. I want to take up broadcast journalism. I really want that to be my major, but Ialso want to minor in something with sompuiters. I haven't decided yet what though. After that I want to be a sports commentator. To be the first female NFL commentator and lastly to become the first female NFL referee. I want to be the first for a lot of things. Mostly though, I want to be happy. I am always the happy type of person so that is really a major. I want a family and to be happy.